We here at the Mobtown Ballroom & Café, Baltimore's home of nightlife, swing dancing, and bomb-ass biscuit sandwiches, relocated to Station North in 2024. Going in, we knew that our lease on this space, which is being redeveloped before too long, would be short (we know we have another year, but we don't know beyond that). We are excited about future prospects in this building after the redevelopment, but we've been looking for our own building for a long time, and this process has us on the hunt.
We have identified a very promising building for purchase, and we are under contract (we legally cannot give any other details). Fighting a legal battle with the old landlord, moving, starting up the new space, and legal fees for the new project have drained us dry, and it costs thousands of dollars to do thorough due diligence on the building before we commit to purchasing it (structural inspection, plumbing inspection, electrical inspection, HVAC galore).
Because we are who we are and do what we do, we thought the best solution would be to throw a workshop and a party to shake the money tree and pay for some inspecting. Here’s what’s going to happen:
1) February 15th: The Great Taster Workshop. For intermediate students and up. This workshop will feature mini lessons taught by a number of instructors both from Mobtown and the region. Each set gets 30 minutes to give you, the student, a taster of their favorite material and concepts. It could be a move. It could be a piece of technique. It is guaranteed to be a wild ride. Workshops are from 12-5pm with a one-hour break for lunch. $75. SCROLL DOWN TO SIGN UP.
2) A special-edition Friday night party on February 21. We’ll have a lineup of DJs; we will have a silent auction; we will have a raffle; we’ll have contests, special menu items, glory, laughter, tears, everything. WE WILL HAVE THE RETURN OF MOBTOWN MERCH. Normal Friday night pricing will apply, though you will be welcome to contribute extra to the cause if you see fit.
3) We didn’t intend to put up an internet fundraiser, but a number of people have asked. If you want to throw us some shekels, we’ll take them: Click for our GoFundeMe.
February 15th, 12-5pm (with one hour lunch break): The Great Taster Workshop. For intermediate students and up. This workshop will feature mini lessons taught by a number of instructors both from Mobtown and the region. Each set gets 30 minutes to give you, the student, a taster of their favorite material and concepts. It could be a move. It could be a piece of technique. It is guaranteed to be a wild ride.