Mob Attack Jazz Town, May 4-7, is a collaboration between the Philadelphia & Baltimore swing scenes to put together an amazing weekend of live jazz music & dancing. Those maniacal Philadelphia kids will be hosting events Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday; while we, the good people of the Mobtown ballroom will be hosting the Friday showdown with the Boilermaker Jazz Band. Our event will be at the door ticket sales only. Check out the full schedule, and a link to advance tickets below:
Thursday: The Boilermaker Jazz Band at Jazz Attack in Philly
Friday: The Boilermaker Jazz Band at Mobtown Ballroom
Saturday Afternoon: Philly Balboa Afternoon Dance - Mob Attack Jazz Town Edition
Saturday Night: Chelsea Reed & the Fair Weather Band at City Winery - Mob Attack Jazz Town Edition
Sunday Afternoon: Rittenhopalooza's Mob Attack Jazz Town Special
Tickets for Friday night’s dance at Mobtown will be sold at the door. Get your Philly tickets HERE.